Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Politics and Art: The Jimmy Kimmel Saga

We used to love The Man Show:

There was real comic genius in its man-nihilism. And in an age overrun by soccer moms and Oprah, The Man Show was actually part of a small conservative counterculture.

Jimmy Kimmel was brilliant.

This week Kimmel told Republicans 'Not good riddance but riddance'.

Others have pointed out what we've thought about Kimmel,  Colbert, and company, that they are solidifying their audience by appealing to the left and dropping everyone else.

This is actually not a bad strategy. After all leftist viewers not only need Noah, but Bee, Colbert, etc, etc. They can't get enough of this stuff. Why not hop on the gravy train?

We've noted before that we keep politics out of our books. Of course one's views informs one's art, this is true of us. In Operation Arctic Storm the people of Nome Alaska take up arms against the Soviet invaders. NRA much?

Reader(s) will never see a line like, 'If only Obama hadn't gutted the military' or some such. In fact, we have a habit of tweaking our own side a bit. 

Michael Jordan always said, 'Republicans buy sneakers too'.

Quite right.

Liberals like techno-thrillers too. 

Heck, were wondering what we'll do if the Neo-Nazi community decides it likes The Austrian Painter.

So liberal reader(s), we're the anti-Kimmel. You are welcome to read our books as much as you like. We may disagree with something, but we promise you'll never be sucker-punched.

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