Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Deep Night Part IV

Personal Recounting:

I went into high school with an attitude made bad by the events of the previous year. Those events made me sullen and introverted.

And I really didn't give a crap about school. So I did as little as possible and I have the report cards to prove it. [Again with the report cards?-Ed]

I still had rebo room, by HS this was basically jut study hall, so that's where I did my home work. Rarely did I actually bring HW home. I figured I gotta do this stupid thing for six hours a day and at 2:06 this stupid thing is over. What happens in school, stays in school.

Basically I'd do ok in the 1st quarter, do almost nothing in the 2nd and 3rd and come roaring back in the 4th quarter for an overall grade of 70.

I did a few fun things, drama mostly and my senior year I was Captain Bracket in South Pacific. I still know the lines and still sing the songs, 25 years after the fact.

But overall HS was dull, boring and I did as little as possible. I graduated 104 out of a class of 136.  It was 25 years ago right now that I was waiting around to go to college. Its a time we remember with darkness and foreboding actually. We'd never left home before.

The first half of that summer was glorious, though, and one gets a taste of it in A Line Through the Desert.

From there it was Wesley College, where we joined a frat, did out best Delta House impression, learned to drink and do pot and met our wife. After that an undisclosed, non-Jesuit Washington D.C. University from which we eventually dropped out.

We were 23.

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