Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hillary Rodham: 2017

There's been a lot of speculation of late about alternate Hillary! scenarios. One scenario imagines Hillary! is president. Um...okay.

Another scenario, far more interesting, imagines Hillary! never married Bill.

The question then arises what would the 70 year old Hillary Rodham be doing?

She has a posh apartment in a posh section of Chicago served and serviced by a bevy of super-loyal lesbians (like Huma Abedin for instance). She is a lawyer and teachers a few classes at Northwestern. She's a lawyer who appears of TV. Just maybe she's a Congresslesbian and ranking member of the House Great Lakes Committee.

She has no family of which to speak. At night she gets back from her Pilates class, cracks open a bottle of white wine and watches The Good Wife, she wonders what will happen if the coughing fits come back and she is alone. She wonders how far the Parkinson's has progressed. She wonders how long before she is in senior-care. And she wonders who will visit her.

She quickly downs a glass of wine and refills the does this damn thing work, she wonders as she fiddles with the remote....