Thursday, May 18, 2017

Dear President Trump: What Would Breitbart Do?

This is the crisis of the Turmp Administration, similar to the 'pussygate' controversy of the election.

We are at the point now where the media and the Dems and about half the GOP is pretending a fantasy world of fan-fic conspiracy theories are reality.

Given how unhinged these people were at Trump's election we should not be surprised that they think their loony theories are real.

Yet they believe Trump has mental issues.

These are people that believe Bush the Elder took a secret trip in an SR-71 Blackbird no less, to urge the Iranians to hold their American hostages till after the election. They also believe that Bush the younger was in on 9-11. Bush knew! So one supposes that they're conspiracy theories get more loonier with each Republican administration.

About half the GOP is with them on this.

So what's a Trump-man supposed to do?

All I can say is don't get down in the weeds with them arguing technical details about meetings and briefings and what not. Just keep attacking the message and the messenger.


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