Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Unraveling Further

This article by Kurt Schlichter, a few years old now, is one of the most important pieces I've ever read

Today in America, a despised minority that is really no minority is the target of an establishment that considers this minority unworthy of respect, unworthy of rights, and unworthy of having a say in the direction of this country. It’s an establishment that has one law for itself, and another for its enemies. It’s an establishment that inflicts an ever-increasing series of petty humiliations on its opponents and considers this all hilarious.
That’s a recipe for disaster. You cannot expect to change the status quo for yourself and then expect those you victimize not to play by the new rules you have created. You cannot expect to be able to discard the rule of law in favor of the rule of force and have those you target not respond in kind.

Mr. Schlichter goes on at some length pointing out the obvious. We'll get to that in a moment.

Much of what President Trump is going to do to the left and the government over the next few years is just fair play. Gorsuch is going to be confirmed, Obamacare will be repealed, whatever it takes.

Now over the last year or so we've seen leftist Black Block riots against Trump and Trump supporters. I expect that violence to get worse.

Here's the thing. These Black Block types are messing with the wrong people.

Here's a clip of Bikers beating the tar out of some anti-Trump protesters. Here's some bikers vs flag burners. Here's Gavin McInnes throwing some punches.

Even more remarkable are these clips of some pissed off ranchers standing down the Feds:

And here's a bunch of armed citizens doing same:

These Black Block so called Antifa protesters are mostly internet tough.  These people though, well....Let's just say it would be a quick fight.

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